

作者:容域科技 发布时间:2023-02-20
defensics是由Codenomicon 科诺斯公司提供的,它也提供了常见协议的test suite,可以到公司网站下载最新的test suite,目前用得比较多的是ARP Server/Client Test Suite,IPv4 test suite,TCP for IPv4 Server/Client Test Suite,ICMPV4 Test Suite等test suite。最多的一个test suite可能有上百万个测试用例,最少的也得上万个。
defensics主要是针对协议,输入一些变异的,异常的,不合法的协议数据,从而检验系统对这些异常数据的处理能力。比如将TCP协议的端口字段增加一个字节,TCP协议的窗口长度为0等,每个test suite是针对一个协议的各个方面的异常数据的总和。
如TCP for TPV4 server test suite的组织结构为:
   TCP for TPV4 server test suite:
       active-close   --named group
如果不确定当前被测试系统是否能支持test suite或者group,可以自动扫描是否支持。
如果不用官网提供的test suite,自己很难写出比较全面的系统的模糊测试用例。
Defensics可以记录不用level的log。如valid case and failed case,valid case and anomally messages,debug trace(full logging),no trace等,一般选择valid case and failed case,如果全部log都保存下来也需要不少空间啊,关键是分析也费劲。
result文件夹里主要有三个文件,main.log, notes.xml和statistics.csv。main.log记录的是被测系统和测试系统之间的数据包,点开可以看到每个数据包的具体数据。statistics.csv里面会显示pass和fail的测试用例,点开fail的测试用例,也可以看到数据包并了解数据包是在哪里发生了变异。
以下是defensics 11 工具官方给出的main log主要包括哪些内容
 Defensics 11 Main log
Main - Result view - Main log
Main log
Main log contains detailed test run results, including details of sent and received messages. Main log file is opened to main log viewer that can show details of the file in the viewer component on the right.
Please note that the main log may be a large file in long test runs, depending on the logging settings.
A main log can have the following log entries:
Test case info
The beginning and the end of each test case is logged. Click the test case index line to go to test case documentation. Each test case is given a verdict, usually with some remarks explaining the cause of the verdict.
Green message line indicates an outgoing message and blue line an incoming message. Message contents may be available by clicking the message line. Use the  'Save to file...'  link to save the message content. For test cases with long overflow anomalies, the content is abbreviated for performance reasons.
Other entries
Test suite specific log entries may be present.
 Defensics 11 Notes file
Main - Result view - Notes file
Notes file
Notes can be used to store user-supplied information about a test run. Carefully filled notes may improve test run identification and search remarkably. Notes are stored as an XML file notes.xml. Contrast to other files, which are generated by the test driver during the test run, notes file can be edited by user during and also after the test execution.
Information in notes file is organized into key-value pairs. There are some built-in keys, which are used in report generation. However, user can provide any new keys for own use. The built-in keys are described here.
Special directory for results
A directory where to test runs result files are placed. Directory structure of result directories with a defined testplan.directory is: result directory/<testplan directory>/suitename/timestamp/<result files>. Key used in xml file: Testplan.Directory.
System under test
Name of the System Under Test (SUT). Added to report document. Key used in xml file: SUT.Name
Version of the system under test
Version of the System Under Test (SUT). Added to report document. Key used in xml file: SUT.Version
Tester name
Name of the tester. Key used in xml file: Tester.Name
Tester contact information
Contact information of the tester, such as e-mail address. Key used in xml file: Tester.Contact
Name of the test run
Name of the test run is shown in result browser. This will replace the default test run name consisting of date and time. Key used in xml file: Testrun.Name
Report name
Name of an generated report document. Key used in xml file: Report.Name
Report information
Longer description added to the Executive summary page of a report document. Key used in xml file: Report.Info
Used sequence files
Sequence used in the test run. Visible in result browser. Key used in xml file: Testrun.Used.Sequence
Continuation of defined testrun
Denotes this test run is resumed from a previous test run defined by the value. Key used in xml file: Testrun.Continuation-of
Continues in defined test run
This test continues in test run defined by the value. Key used in xml file: Testrun.Continued-in
Auxiliary test run in
Test run has an auxiliary test run in. Key used in xml file: Testrun.Auxiliary-in
Type of the test run
Type of test is marked here, possible values are   normal, auxiliary and valid  . Key used in xml file: Testrun.Type
Test case selection mode
Test case selection mode is marked here. Possible values are   all, random, %value, first and last  . Key used in xml file: Testrun.Selection.Mode
Notes file is lazily created by GUI when required. The file does not exit, if there has been no need for it!
Templates and Editing
You can edit notes using result browser by clicking the file notes.xml. You can edit values for built-in keys. You can add new keys as well. Changes to the notes are automatically saved.
You can import notes from templates as well. There is a list of saved templates on top of the view. Mouse over a template will show the saved template content. Select a template and click   "Import from template"  . It will overwrite all the editable values. New templates can be defined in   'All' -> 'Notes'   tab of the GUI.
Notes are saved as xml and are editable in external editors too. See more details about the notes xml format
 Test run summary   
20140901-0317-03 : TCP for IPv4 Server Test Suite
  Overall verdict   
  Overall verdict      FAIL
[   Test case count   ]   1
Verdicts from valid case or external instrumentation
  Analysis tools   
  System under test   
  Instrumentation methods   
  Valid case instrumentation       ENABLED   
  External instrumentation           DISABLED   
  SNMP instrumentation              DISABLED   
  Instrumentation fail limit           1
  Instrumentation frequency        1
  Verdict from valid case instrumentation / connection instrumentation   
  Overall verdict           fail
  Test cases in total    1
  Failed                          1
Passed                        0
  Test execution time   
  Test run started        20140901 03:17:03
  Test run ended         20140901 03:17:13
  Running time           00:00:10
  Average cases per second   
  Test setup   
  Name of the tester   
  Contact information   
  Operating system    Linux i386 3.7-trunk-686-pae
  Java                          1.7.0_25 23.25-b01 mixed mode
   Test suite   
  Name                      TCP for IPv4 Server Test Suite
  Version                  4.2.1
  License                 Licensed to***
  Suite hash            ***
  Sequence                                 TCP with HTTP GET payload (in file user/http.seq)
  Test case selection mode      all
  Test run type                             normal
  Options in detail    
  Test run analysis   
  Click the links below to perform some advanced analysis of the selected test runs:   
  Denial of Service Analysis    
  Analyze the Denial Of Service (DOS) situations during the failed test cases. The analysis provides an estimate of the vulnerability of SUT for DOS attacks.   
  Response Analysis    
  Find our all different Status responses from the SUT and list them with representative test cases. The analysis provides an overview for SUT behavior and error modes.   
  Slow Test Case Analysis    
  Find the non-failed test cases which running times compared to amount of sent traffic are the longest.   
点开  Denial of Service Analysis 链接之后,里面有更详细的在这个测试用例时是否遭受了DoS攻击的信息。
Response Analysis   列出了被测系统SUT在失败的测试用例执行时返回的不同状态。


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